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Setup Action Mailbox with Postfix - Part 2

Published by Prabin Poudel 4 min read
cover: Setup Action Mailbox with Postfix - Part 2
This is the second part of a 2 series tutorial to setup action mailbox with postfix. In this part, we will configure postfix in production server to forward incoming emails to our rails app so action mailbox can process it.

Setup Action Mailbox with Postfix - Part 1

Published by Prabin Poudel 6 min read
cover: Setup Action Mailbox with Postfix - Part 1
This is the first part of a 2 series tutorial to setup action mailbox with postfix. In this part, we will implement action mailbox with postfix and test it in development.

Reset password in react and rails app with devise

Published by Prabin Poudel 4 min read
cover: Reset password in react and rails app with devise
This tutorial shows you how to send reset password instructions email in React and Rails app. Learn about these steps to reset password for Rails/React app with Devise.