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Setup Factory Bot in Rails

Published by Prabin Poudel 2 min read
cover: Setup Factory Bot in Rails
Factory Bot is a ruby library for setting up test data objects in Ruby. Today we will be setting up Factory Bot in Rails which uses RSpec for testing. Factory Bot helps developers to write less code while testing with the factory objects that is created for each model.

Integrate Pronto with Gitlab CI for Rails App

Published by Prabin Poudel 7 min read
cover: Integrate Pronto with Gitlab CI for Rails App
There are multiple ways to fix missing top level class documentation comment in Rubocop. You can disable it in your whole app with by disabling cop in the whole project, disable it in one class or just add a comment above the class declaration.

Rubocop Configuration Files for Rails

Published by Prabin Poudel 5 min read
cover: Rubocop Configuration Files for Rails
Rubocop is a linter for Rails. Rubocop helps in enforcing best practices for Ruby and Rails. It helps in maintaining consistency throughout the project. It also has option for autoformatting the code based on the configurations.

Build Twitter Bot with Ruby

Published by Prabin Poudel 11 min read
cover: Build Twitter Bot with Ruby
Did you know? We can also build bot with Ruby. Today we will be building twitter bot that retweets set of hashtags. We will be using twitter gem which uses Twitter API under the hood.

Setup Gatsby with Strapi in M1 Mac

Published by Prabin Poudel 16 min read
cover: Setup Gatsby with Strapi in M1 Mac
Setting up strapi with gatsby is straight forward but not while you are setting it up in mac with M1 chip. M1 chip throws so many errors due to software support issues and I am writing this article to save your day.

[Fix] Missing top level class documentation comment Rubocop

Published by Prabin Poudel 2 min read
cover: [Fix] Missing top level class documentation comment Rubocop
There are multiple ways to fix missing top level class documentation comment in Rubocop. You can disable it in your whole app with by disabling cop in the whole project, disable it in one class or just add a comment above the class declaration.